Posted by: avrirdownloader | August 15, 2008

Here it is….

AVR IR Downloader is one of final assignments at Electrical Engineering Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia.
The basic idea was came from our lecturer at campus, Ir. Nanang Sulistyanto.
If this project was successfully made, it will be used to program our automatic machine’s uC during the testing schedule.
Actually we are using Atmel AVR series. Automatic machines are part of entire machines we have for Robocon in Indonesia (KRI).
And now we had just made it…. Thanks to our Mighty Allah SWT, Muhammad SAW our prophet and UB Robotics crews.

The host-side consist of host-program for Win32 PC using Libusb-Win32, device based on ATmega8
using firmware-only USB driver by Objective Development and infrared hardware unit.
Host program was compiled using Lazarus Freepascal. Device firmware was compiled using WinAVR (AVR-GCC).
The implementation uses custom device class, required simple inf file and libusb driver on PC.

The target-side consist of device minimum system based on ATmega162 and infrared hardware unit.
Device minimum system consist of ATmega162, external SRAM 8 kbyte and ISP interface.
Device firmware was compiled using CodevisionAVR.

Infrared data transmission uses USART facility and Timer2 for 38 kHz modulation signal generator.
Baudrate 2400bps is based on the IRM-8510N data reception ability which is 400us for the shortest length logic signal.
With a single infrared led, both host and target side can wirelessly communicate at about 6,5 meters. Final board uses
6 infrared led, can handle 15 meters length approximately.

Data packet size was limited 128 byte length because of ATmega8
SRAM at host-side was limited at 1 kbyte size. During development phase we planned to increase till 1~2 kbyte length but we avoided it.
Actually it can be increased to optimize the transfer process using a bigger SRAM AVR series. All transmission packets were
implemented using CRC16 for error detection.

Host-Side Features are:
– Device firmware is implemented as custom class device.
– Atmel AVR uC memory operations: read, write and erase.
– Memory supported: flash, eeprom and fusebits (extended also).
– Error detection during transmission through infrared implements CRC16.
– Data packet size 128 byte length, can be increased in future development.
– Can handle data transmission at about 15 meters max.
– usbpoll cannot be run while USART data transmission. USART handling is the highest priority routine to maintain infrared
communication consistency between host and target side.
– Developed for all Atmel AVR series but still partially tested (different SCK frequency of specific AVR series depend on
the target-side system).
– Maximum target memory operation can handle is 32640 byte (32 kbyte). It depend on the packet id max. which is 255 with
data packet size 128 byte length.

Target-Side Features are:
– Atmel AVR uC memory operations: read, write and erase.
– Memory supported: flash, eeprom and fusebits (extended also).
– SCK Frequency max. 1,3824 MHz or min. 172,8 kHz. Manually configured.
– Error detection during transmission through infrared implements CRC16.
– Data packet size 128 byte length, can be increased in future development.
– Can handle data transmission at about 15 meters max.
– Developed for all Atmel AVR series but still partially tested (different SCK frequency of specific AVR series aren’t
– Maximum target memory operation can handle is 8192 byte (8 kbyte). It depend on the external SRAM size now but it can
be changed in firmware algorithm.

This project was intended for open source and not intended for production. It was built for educational purpose.
So many things left and many ideas for future development. But we don’t have a spare time to implement it. All of you
may use this code or our ideas freely, by give us some credit “it is partially based on avrirdownloader by Hendy Eka and
Arief Mardhi at Electrical Engineering Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia”.
We publish this project with the reason, we are not alone in this world. We just a human being which are social creatures.
We aren’t perfect, we need you….

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all inspirational project before till we can realize this.

Host-Side by Hendy Eka Hardana <> Target-Side by Arief Mardhi Basuki <>
avrirdownloader by Hendy Eka and Arief Mardhi at Electrical Engineering Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia.

These are our project files:

  1. host-side, (had just had a spare time) update version
  2. target-side, update version
  3. ir-circuit
  4. demo-video: 

And these are additional documents:

  1. ATmega8, datasheet
  2. ATmega162, datasheet
  3. External SRAM 8 kbytes, datasheet
  4. IRM8510, datasheet
  5. IRLed, datasheet
  6. 2N3906 transistor, datasheet
  7. Quad 2 input OR gate, datasheet
Posted by: avrirdownloader | May 5, 2008

Rilis baru WinAVR 20080411 (support AVR xmega)

Open source rocks isn’t it? Here is a new WinAVR 20080411 release available for download. As always new release has lots of tweaks, bug fixes and optimizations. There are new XMEGA series microcontrollers preliminary included in supported device list. So we may have a chance to put hands on these new cool AVR microcontrollers. Here is a list of new things in WinAVR:

  • Support of new AVR devices: ATxmega128A1, ATxmega64A1, ATxmega32M1, ATxmega32C1, ATxmega32U4, ATtiny167;
  • New GCC4.3.0 compiler;
  • New version of AVR-LibC 1.6.2;
  • Two new Makefile templates added where one will generate a library instead of an application (Makefile.lib), while another will enable whole program optimization. This seems to be new thing – it will be interesting to experiment with.
  • New version of SRecord 1.38;
  • New version of SimulAVR;
  • Removed AVR-Ada (as they say – temporary)-I don’t need it anyway…

Just recompiled my old code – seems to be working fine. So I recommend you to update to newer WinAVR version.

[dikutip dari:

Posted by: avrirdownloader | February 9, 2008

Hi! Para freaks!

Selamat datang di blog Tugas Akhir kami. Bahasan kami mengenai perancangan dan pembuatan sistem downloader mikrokontroler Atmel AVR melalui media transmisi data inframerah antara sistem pusat data sisi pemrogram dengan sistem penerima sisi target, didukung pula dengan penerapan USB pada sistem pusat data sisi pemrogram. Diharapkan sistem ini akan memberikan fleksibilitas yang tinggi pada saat proses development menggunakan mikrokontroler Atmel AVR. Amin.
